Sunday, January 31, 2010

Plants to share

I went out to count types of flowers blooming as February begins and what I noticed is how many plants I have to share.  If anyone local is reading this blog and wants new plants for the garden, I have some now, and seemingly always do.  What I noticed just now:
ixia (I think,  I get ixia and sparaxis mixed up)
Japanese anenome 'Honorine Jobert'
a tall lavender aster that spreads
crocosmia, an orange one and 'lucifer'
poppies, maybe-they are taprooted and have to be moved at a pretty small stage
dahlia 'Bishop's Children', a deep orangey red with black foliage- I hope, the tubers have heaved out of the ground and hopefully did not freeze. 
ground covers gallium and ajuga
geranium 'biokovo'
oxalis, pink blooms, dies away in summer completely
I am sure there are more, hmmm...always alysum, forget me nots, stuff like that..... a red annual coreopsis

Plus, I have a viburnum I want to take out.  Not sure the variety, it is not what was labeled on the body bag from WalMart, but it might be Mariesii.  Two years old in my garden from bare root twig, has not yet bloomed. 

1 comment:

  1. Debbie, your daughter-in-law always wants your plants, if you think they could handle my soil! Also, can hellebore live indoors?
