Saturday, January 16, 2010

Potting bare roots and moving through the month

Yesterday I potted up my new bare root purchases. Rhubarb is evidently pretty iffy here, although at the Master Gardener Fair I went to today someone was giving away a large box of rhubarb roots so they must grow for someone!  The new hydrangea paniculata ended up being pretty twiggy, but I have grown bare root hydrangea before and they just need a chance to grow.  Hopefully Lowes sells reputable stuff and this will end up being what the label said.  I read these generic pee gees look the same as the fancy named ones like 'Limelight' that I was trying to get and I hope that is true for the sake of the $$ saved.  I also bought and potted a new white astilbe.  Astilbe do not live long here, but the foliage is lovely and worthwhile.  I have found most bare roots do well in pots for a year so they get some size on them and I can baby them through any rough weather. The asparagus bed will be a bigger project, requiring some manure, etc., so it will take more time. 

Today I cleaned up some more and worked on pruning the nectarine tree.  It was another pre storm day, sunny and fine and I enjoyed the afternoon.  Jerry is our pruner, and he is good enough to make a living at it, but I think it is fun to get out and get some of it started. 

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