Thursday, January 28, 2010


I got some amazing manure at Lowes the other day.  I intended to get chicken manure, checked the price at OSH and went on to Lowes.  Lowes only had steer, and at 97 cents a bag, steer manure is a real deal, so I went with that.  Well, what a great surprise.  This is so well composted it is finer than oatmeal and has no odor at all.  I used a bag for the asparagus, and another for the new roses, mixing it with the soil for a conditioner.  I think I will go get enough to do put down in all the beds. 
For several years I have been making a compost mix of leaves, alfalfa, manure and my own compost but I find I am getting new varieties of weeds.  I suspect the alfalfa.  I think this year I will use the leaves for brown stuff in the compost bin, and use straight manure for dressing the beds.  This stuff is too good to pass up. 


  1. A whole post about manure! I had always heard that horse manure is best for roses, but of course, maybe that is just what I learned from watching Mrs. Miniver.

  2. That may well be true that horse manure is best, but they do not sell it in stores and I do not have a horse : ) At 97 cents a bag I imagine steer manure is not considered to be anything exceptional, but it will do the job for a price I prefer.
